The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti-Inkster Alumni Chapter, the Silhouettes, Delta Nu and Sigma Chapters planned and executed what was arguably the best Northern Province Council ever, based on feedback from many brothers and guest who attended this year’s NPC and social events. The entire chapter contributed to make the experience unforgettable for everyone in attendance. Special thanks
Congratulations to Brother Isadore L. King on receiving the Robert L. Gordon Achievement Award. This award is the highest award bestowed upon a brother from the Northern Province. The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti-Inkster Alumni Chapter is very proud of Brother King and appreciates all the contributions he makes to the Chapter.
Several Brothers (Michael Kinloch, Jeff Holland, Darryl Campbell, Phil Anderson, John Finn, Roger Doster and Joe Little) attended church together at Grace Fellowship Church located in Ypsilanti, Michigan on November 17, 2013. In a continual effort to enhance brotherly and spiritual bonding, members and their families attend church together. We had an opportunity to express
The chapter participated in a Career Fair hosted by Romulus High School on Thursday, November 14. This event was coordinated by Brothers Roger Doster and Melvin Roper. The former principal of Romulus High School is Brother Hal Heard. Brother Roper addressed science, and human relation skills while Brother Doster addressed how to improve your current
Brothers hard at work meeting and planning the 67th Northern Province Council that will be hosted by by our chapter next April.