The chapter co-sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt with other African American Organizations from the community. This event was started by the Ann Arbor chapter in 1989 and joined forces with the other organizations in 1991. The event featured the Easter Egg Hunt, Magic Show, Lunch, Tour of the Fire Truck, the Book Mobile and presentations
The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti-Inkster Alumni Kappa Leaguers (KL) enjoyed a fun day at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit . The enjoyed their time looking at cars and spending time socializing with one another.
The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti-Inkster chapter presented awards to the Delta Sigma Theta Inkster Alumnae and Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapters in honor of their 100th Anniversary. They joined the century club on January 13, 2013. We, the Kappas appreciate the Deltas for their Sisterhood, scholarship donations and service to all mankind. Both chapters were extremely thankful for
Last night we had an evening celebration to honor our Founders given the significant of January 5th and the great history of our fraternity. This was another one our BROTHERHOOD CELEBRATIONS used to reclaim Brothers. Several Brothers prepared food and provided beverages for this occasion. Last night many brothers participated in the celebration that we
Brothers will gather together to celebrate our Founder’s Day. All Brothers are invited to join us on Saturday, January 5, 2013 for an evening of fun and fellowship.
More than 400 guests attended the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti-Inkster Alumni Black & White Banquet-Ball to celebrate with the Nupes on Saturday, October 6, 2012. The event was held at the Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti @ Eagle Crest. Everyone enjoyed the food, fellowship, and fun. We were entertained by Larry Lee & the Back in the Day